Monday, April 4, 2011


I'm sitting outside on this beautiful, sunny day, thinking of him.  I wish he was by my side. Around me people are walking and I sit and wonder if they are as blessed, as happy, and as special as I feel?  In front of me, there is a water fountain.  The water falls so effortlessly from one level to the next reminding me of our effortless ability to make each other happy because we're so perfect for each other.  The water spouts form the top much like my joy does when I see him each weekend.  With the wind blowing, the water sprinkles on me reminding me of how refreshing his smile is.  To my right stands a few trees.  The branches and the leaves are all swaying together in the wind reminding me of how we fit so well, hand in hand, together. In the distance there is a fire hydrant reminding me of how he is always there to help me through anything; to calm the fire.  Up above me, is a blue sky with a few clouds which represents our relationship; the few clouds represent the hard times - distance...and the enormous amount of blue represents our love - always clear and certain.  As I sit here and compare him to my surroundings on this gorgeous day I am reminded that there is nothing in this world that could ever take his place.  This relationship has blossomed into an unexpected, beautiful flower that will forever be blessed with effortless water, bright colors of happiness, and safe from the harsh rain.  He will forever be in my life, and there is nothing that could ever change that. <3

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