Friday, August 14, 2009

Beauty of God's Blessings!

~~Life is hard; no doubt about it. But in it there's lots of depth to be explored and growth to be experienced. That's all part of the adventure. For me personally, exploring, knowing, and experiencing starts and ends with the fact that Jesus loves me. He tells me so. And it is that divine love that transforms the human heart.~~
**Blessed be the Lord they God, which delighted in thee.**
1 Kings 10:9a

B&W Senior Pics! (More to Come!)

true friendship <3

happiness :D

My girls <3

simplicity in nature :)

Heather~Me~Coley, Becca~Me~Cannon, Shelby~Me~Darling

all time favorite! :D

Best Friends Forever and Always....

no matter what.

Guard. What brought us together, will keep us together.

No words can ever describe the feeling of having true friends in your life.

SENIORS!!!!!! 09-10

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Beauty of God's Blessings!

Next time you feel afraid, make a list - not of your fears but of the characteristics of God. Find a substantiate each one as you reconsider you situation in light of Who God is. Then, if you feel it would be helpful to list you fears, make sure beside each one you write down the attribute of God that applies. The secret to peace lies in your focus. Plant you faith in Someone Who is bigger than your fears.

** Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.**
Job 37:14b


Well first of all the last night of the Mission Conference was amazing. As a tradition with our church we hand out "Are We There Yet" boxes to all the missionary kids who get bored in the car travelling around. Then, at the end of the service, we all gather and make a huge circle around our sanctuary and we all receive a little candle. The Pastor lights the first candle and one by one we all light each other's candles till eventually the entire sanctuary is lit up by the candles. Its gorgeous :)

This past Saturday, me, heather, and Becca all went to take seniors portraits at Maymont Park. Well we only got one shot at Maymont. The stupid lady at the front desk saw us walk in and so she called security and the man said that there wasn't allowed for professional photography to be taken without an appt. Stupid. But we did get a great tree shot :) but eventually we drove around Richmond until we found Bryan park. Well on the way there, we had to go through some tolls. Well no one had change so we were scrounging around for 70 CENTS! We finally made it to Bryan Park and ended up taking so fabulous trio pics and individuals pics as well :)

On Sunday night, we had our Annual Singspiration at my church! I wasn't planning on going bc of Heather's guard party...but she cancelled it :( so i was able to go. I sang by myself...which is odd bc I usually sing with my mom. But this time I went solo with a song called "I'm Singing" haha i know kinda ironic. But all went well...i choked up a few times bc my throat was soooo freakin dry :/ but my mom said it sounded good! :) After that, we had a homemade Ice Cream Social were different people in the church make different flavors of ice cream ( but of course, some were store bought lol) my mom made mint chocolate chip though...very yummy!

Band Camp started back up this past Monday and I'm so excited about this year! The band as a whole is young bc there are a TON of first year marchers but they'll learn and eventually we will be amazing :) haha this year i'm Co-Cap-i-tain with my bff Heather! Its gonna be so much fun! Karen and Patrick (from JMU) r helping out this week and then Tony from Impact will be coming the next few weeks to instruct as well! yay! :)

Only a few more weeks until my senior year starts and I still have A BUNCH of summer reading stuff to get done...*sigh* but I'm gonna try my best to get it done haha i already have my English reading i just have to finish the project part. And then i have my AP Gov stuff to do and ugh that's gonna take forever! :/

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Missions Conference :)

Starting on this past Sunday, my church held their 12th Annual Missions Conference. It lasts from Sunday-Wednesday and different missionaries from all over the US come and present their goal for a foreign countries and the need for Christ in these countries. This year has especially been a heart-touching experience for me because in past years I haven't really thought of it to be a big deal. But this year, I planned ahead for it and asked for the daytime shift at work and made sure that I didn't make plans for those nights. I was really suprised at myself, because this year I actually wanted to go.

Sunday we had a guestspeaker come and preach in place of the Pastor. Monday night was two was David and Sarah Booth, missionaries to the hearing and deaf of Portugal, the other family was the Campbells, missionaries to Wales (coast of England). Tuesday night I was in the nursery watching all the cute kids of the missionaries but I was still able to somewhat hear the message on the tv haha and tonight two more families will be sharing their message and dream for the countries that God has called them to go and spread the gospel.

My heart has really been spoken to by God this week. I'm almost positive that God has spoken to my heart saying "You are meant to go." But right now I am still a teenager, but I am able to listen to God's voice and learn His will for my life while I am still young. Hopefully, the man that God has for me also has the call upon his life to be a missionary. And that if God tarries we will, someday, be able to go to a place where the gospel has never been heard. There are thousands of people that die everday who are on their way to hell because they have not heard. And the burden of those people has been set upon my heart that I need to go and reach these people and give preach to them about the free gift of salvation.

Tonight is the last night of the Conference, and I feel that I have been greatly changed by these past few days. I pray that God will bless the families serving Him and doing what they are called to do. And I will pray for them daily.

**How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?**
Romans 10:14

Saturday, August 1, 2009


What a busy month I have ahead of me...whoo! For the past 3 days I've done nothing but work work work...and I'm exhausted :/ luckily I have Sunday off but...then i'm back to the old routine again on Monday working 11-4. This coming week is the last week I have before band camp starts (pretty much my last week of summer) :( I'll be working Mon, Tues, Thurs 11-4 Friday 3-9:30 and Saturday 4-? i forgot haha but that'll need to be changed bc more than likely I'm getting my senior pics taken that day!! :D Sunday the 9th is Heather's 09-10 colorguard party! WOOT :) and then band camp starts on Mon, 10th - Wed from 1-6 then I have Thursday off from life :) Friday is Tiffany's 18th bday party at the 711 pool. Then the 2 weeks after that I'll have band camp from 9am-6pm ughh...leaving me only Saturdays to work :/ and then one more week after that I have band camp 3-6 and starts. So as you can see, I have barely no time left in my summer. :(

Starting tomorrow is our Mission Conference at my church. Different missionaries come to our church and tell us about their goals and their plan for reaching souls either in foreign countries or somewhere local. Most of the missionaries that my church supports are going to foreign countries though, that need to hear the gospel. I'm really excited about this! It last from Sunday- Wednesday with 2 speakers a night! :) I look forward to this every year! :)

Well i'm very i'm thinking I'll go to sleep early tonight to be well-rested for the Conference tomorrow :)

*night* <3