I don't know what's on my mind tonight. I don't have anything specific to talk about. I just feel the need to just type and get feelings out. I don't have much to express other than the fact that I'm dying from the amount of stress in my life. Of course all my professors are trying to cram every test and project in the next two weeks before spring break. When I get into these moods where all I can do is just sigh I put on my headphones and just listen to music. Its the only thing that keeps me sane...besides the fact that Khris is always there for me. I honestly don't know how he puts up with all my stuff haha I spill so much on him and vent him to about so much stuff. I guess that's when you know that your significant other is your best friend; when you can tell them anything without holding back or second guessing if they're going to judge you for what you say, feel, or do. For Valentine's Day I told Khris that I wasn't much of a "teddy bear" kinda girl...but he got me one anyway with a little something extra on the inside which made it special. I guess that I never really got a teddy bear from anyone that really meant anything to me like Khris does. Well his name is Mr. Smile and whenever I feel down or just need something to hold onto, its me and Mr. Smile 100% and it works! Whenever I grab onto him I just feel the happiest that I feel when I'm with Khris, radiating out from him and it helps with everything I'm going through. I guess I could consider myself a "teddy bear" kinda girl now, but I'd rather hug my Mr. Smile in person. :)
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