I never make beds. I never did growing up and I got harped on for it...but to this day I still hate making beds. If I do make my bed its later on in the day, never when I wake up. I just don't see the point. Well today, I made my bed and every time I do, I fold Khris' sweater right below my pillows now with Mr. Smile properly right above it. I sleep with it every night and without I literally have trouble sleeping. I'm not as lonely at night with it, knowing that I have some part of him there with me. I realized today that my heart lies in that sweater. Not just symbolically, but physically. My heart lies at VCU. I want to be there with him. I want to eat lunch with him. I want to have study dates. It just doesn't feel right here without him. I hate walking around campus and seeing couples holding hands and laughing together...I wish I could stop them and say "Appreciate what you have, because you don't realize how good you have it." The anticipation of Spring Break is killing me. Its two days away and honestly the only major assignment I have left is a research paper due tomorrow...I've gotten to the point in the semester where I hate skyping and I hate sleeping with his sweater. It just doesn't suffice. But I just have to tell myself that after Spring Break I only have 6 more weeks left. After that, I'm done with Longwood...I never have to come back here and deal with skyping and sleeping with his sweater because I'll have the physical him there with me. No more walking around campus alone, no more studying by myself at the library, no more wishing and hoping. Just me and him.......finally together, forever.
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