Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Growing Up.

I'm 19 years old and as far as I'm concerned that's very young.  I'm just starting out my life as an individual and I'm so excited.  I don't wish it away at all but I'm so ready for the next few years of my life.  The next few "mile markers" are so exciting and I can't wait to reach them.  I'm growing up and starting to realize that I'm going to be paying bills, going to the grocery store, and living on my own very soon! A part of me is scared, and a part of me is excited.  I know that I will always have my parents to fall back on, but I have to be responsible enough to know that they aren't always going to be there for me.  As far as short term goals go for me, I can't wait to transfer to VCU, get my own place, become educated and graduate.  As far as long term goals go for me, I can't wait to start my career, get married, and start a family of my own.  There are so many good things coming my way, I can honestly say that I'm truly blessed.  I'm blessed to have such a forgiving God, a supporting family, awesome friends, and a loving boyfriend.  Without them, I wouldn't be able to grow up.  The experiences that I have gone through are a part of me and make me who I am. Thank you to everyone! :)

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