Saturday, June 18, 2011

Childhood Memories.

Tonight I watched a movie called "Mortal Kombat" I'm sure many of you have seen it or at least heard of it.  Well when I was a little girl, my brother and sister, Russell and Jamie, and my cousin, Ethan, would watch this movie all the time.  For those of you who have seen it, you know how they strike the fight pose at the end of the movie when the emperor busts out of the building? yeah well we would get up off the couch and always strike the pose we wanted and then pretend to fight each other like they did in the movie.  Thinking back on this memory has really made me miss my childhood.  My brother, sister, and myself always had a crazy imagination...I couldn't even begin to explain the games we used to play just because you would probably think I'm crazy haha. But for example, we used to line books up and down our hallway and we would play "library" and we would pick up the books we want and then go to the "checkout line" which took place with my plastic electronic cash register that consisted of a fake scanner and monopoly money.  Looking back on it now I think what in the world were we thinking? But back then it was so real for us because our imaginations allowed us to go that far into a fantasy.  I miss having an imagination.  Even with Khris' niece and nephew I realize how powerful a child's imagination can be.  The other day I was playing cars with Jayden and I was the "bad guy" and he was the "good guy" and if I did something that wasn't within Jayden's imagination he would make it known.  It baffles me how quickly those imaginations disappear as we grow older.  We know longer believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy of the Easter Bunny.  We can no longer play cars and not feel like a complete idiot when we make the "vroom vroom" all know what I'm talking about.  Its so crazy how life can take our imagination away and how quickly things get technical.  I miss not having a job and when the only thing I did all day was play with toys...I miss not having a cell phone bill or any bills to pay for, for that matter.  I miss having my mom pay for everything...  Sometimes I get so caught up in life that I forget about where I came from and where I was raised.  Its nights like these when I take a drive down memory lane and can't do anything but smile just because of the crazy memories I have from camping, playing games, and dressing up in weird halloween costumes with my cousins...if only I could have the imagination that I had back then now, life would be a whole lot better.

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