Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why Bother?

This morning I woke up late for my 11am class. I rushed out of bed threw on jeans and t-shirt, put on a hoodie and was out the door. Whatever makeup I had on was leftover from yesterday and I had extreme bed head hair. I managed to brush my teeth and grab a granola on the way out of my dorm but other than that I didn't do anything.  I decided to hop in the shower when I got back from class so that I wouldn't look like death on a stick but then I got to thinking, why bother?  I don't have anyone to impress here. The only person that ever compliments me on my makeup or clothes is over an hour away from me.  Sure I can send him pictures of my outfit and such, but nothing beats hearing in person.  I bought new clothes this past weekend and I love them, but the only person I want to show them off to is him.  I don't have anyone here who cares what I look like so I feel like all the makeup, the hair products, and the nice smelling perfumes are a waste.  Even if I was to see him in the state of attractiveness that I was in this morning he would still call me beautiful...so while I put on this makeup, make my hair look nice, and pick out a cute outfit I can't help but think why bother? Because the one person that does matter won't be in my arms until Friday.

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