Thursday, January 13, 2011

Soup. Sniffles. Stairs. and HOUSE.

This week has been full of a lot of care between me and Khris.  We were both kind of feeling down but Khris had it the worst between the two of us. I fixed him tomato soup and grilled cheeses for about 3 days straight and I absolutely loved every minute of it.  Then it was my turn for something to go wrong. Well I fell down his stairs and got a lovely colorful bruise on my butt and an extremely sore back.  He took care of me and got ice packs and rubbed my back for me.  Now that this week is almost coming to an end and we're both starting to recover and getting back to our normal selves, I thought wow, just in time for us to go back to school.  I've gotten used to this whole "seeing each other everyday" and cuddling and watching numerous episodes of HOUSE all day and all night.  Soon we'll have to adjust back to our old schedule where we'll have to go four days without seeing each other physically. And seeing each other on the weekends will be our most cherished time together.  I know that it could definitely be a lot worse than that but for me and my situation four days is awhile. I'm thankful for Skype, Facebook, and cell phones with picture messaging capabilities for they are what get me through the week but every part of me does not want to leave him.  I won't kisses everyday.  I won't get hugs everyday. I won't get his fingers running through my hair.  I won't get his touch.  But what I do know for sure is that I will get a "good morning beautiful" text message.  A "good night baby" text message.  I'll get a smile everyday.  And I'll get an "I love you" everyday and for that I'm grateful.

Until then, I have 3 days to make the most out of our remaining days together.  Instead of soup, sniffles, stairs and HOUSE. I'll have smiles, laughter, love, and HOUSE. haha :)

Forever & Always <3

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