Monday, November 7, 2011

Oh How I Hate Traffic.

May I just rant about traffic for 10 minutes?? okay. thanks. 

So I'm driving from Khris' house this morning to get to class at 9am...I left his house at 7:50am taking 288N to 64E to 95S.  So I'm getting ready to merge onto 288 and traffic is backed i'm like GREAT. Well 288 managed to pick up and I was running at about 65mph yayy well then I get to 64E and the merge is traffic backup...nothing.  Until about 10 minutes away from the 95S exit ramp and DEAD STOP. ugh. So we're inching a long and suddenly 10 minutes turns into 25 minutes.  AND YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE?!?!?!?! All the cars that zoom up ahead KNOWING that they have to get over and then they wait until the last minute possible and then they decide to merge over OH NUH UH MISTER YOU ARE NOT GETTING IN FRONT OF ME. I mean like how rude is that...this guy seriously like cuts me off and I lay on my horn and he flicks me off...HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A SIGNAL ON. ughh some people I swear.  So anyway in the end I ended up getting to my apt around 9:20 which is takes me 20 mins to walk to class putting me there 10 minutes before the class would be over so I skipped because that would've been a waste of my time.  but good heavens people LEARN TO DRIVE. 

okay i'm done now. :) 

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