Saturday, May 28, 2011

Not Okay.

So its been 4 days since I've last even been on my computer...I've been working and working and working and working until I can't work anymore. My feet hurt, I'm exhausted, and I'm just frustrated.  I've barely gotten to enjoy my summer at all and I hate it. I've only seen my best friends like once since the summer started... NOT OKAY. I've had one weekend off since the summer and I had so much stuff packed into those 3 days that I no time to just relax.  I need the sun on my skin, the water on my toes, and my sunglasses on my face.  I need a shopping day, I need a day at the river, I need a day (an ENTIRE day) with Khris not 1 hour here, 1 hour there.  I'm thankful for the time I do get to spend with him, but lately I've been living at my job and I've barely gotten to spend any quality time with him. :/ I know that when I get that paycheck I'll be smiling but until then I just have to deal with it. I'm not okay with this. I just need a break from the real world...