Saturday, May 28, 2011

Not Okay.

So its been 4 days since I've last even been on my computer...I've been working and working and working and working until I can't work anymore. My feet hurt, I'm exhausted, and I'm just frustrated.  I've barely gotten to enjoy my summer at all and I hate it. I've only seen my best friends like once since the summer started... NOT OKAY. I've had one weekend off since the summer and I had so much stuff packed into those 3 days that I no time to just relax.  I need the sun on my skin, the water on my toes, and my sunglasses on my face.  I need a shopping day, I need a day at the river, I need a day (an ENTIRE day) with Khris not 1 hour here, 1 hour there.  I'm thankful for the time I do get to spend with him, but lately I've been living at my job and I've barely gotten to spend any quality time with him. :/ I know that when I get that paycheck I'll be smiling but until then I just have to deal with it. I'm not okay with this. I just need a break from the real world...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Have Faith. Have Hope. Have Peace. Have Joy.

My life is a little crazy, full of love, hectic with work, and stressed with various things.  I know I still have a lot of growing up to do, but somewhere deep down inside I know that I'm right where I should to be.  <3

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Busy Bee.

Well I'm finally off for the weekend... :) I'm excited to spend some time with Khris in the morning.  Since summer has started we've both been working a lot to try to save up as much money as we can and even though I still see him everyday, whether it be 5 mins, an hour, or several, I feel like I haven't really spent time with him.  We haven't had a date night in awhile because we've been so busy but hopefully there's one right around the corner.  I'm also excited to see my girls tomorrow! We're going to see that should be fun! :) and then finally after that my mom, sister, and myself are getting pedicures! You have no idea how excited I am about this...working all day almost everyday gets hard on a girls feet so I can't wait to have them pampered for a least 30 mins haha :)

Saturday is Jessy and Andrew's wedding. I'm super excited about this simply just because I'll be able to witness a love between two people bonded together forever. I love weddings, they make me happy. I can't wait to have my own someday. <3 Saturday is my cousin's bday as well and we're having dinner with the fam that night so that should be fun.  As you can see, my weekend is pretty packed, and its only 2 days. haha crazy.

I've been out of school for like 2 weeks now and I've still have yet to unpack all my stuff. Its ridiculous. I've been so busy that I do a little here and a little there but somehow I never get finished.  Speaking of moving...I think that Heather, Amy, Lisa, and I finally found an apartment in Richmond that starts on July 1. By the time I get all my stuff unpacked I'll just have to pack it right back up haha sad. :/ but anyway...

Khris is out tonight with his guys for the bachelor party (pray for them please) they went to Dave & Busters and I'm pretty sure you know what happens from but since he's out its just me, my blog, and some pretty sweet music for the night :) sometimes I just need me time and I'm loving it right about now.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Work. Sleep. Work. Sleep....

Since when did work = summer??? 

Saturday, May 14, 2011


So for some reason Blogger was down yesterday and I couldn't blog which sucked because I really wanted to share my news! I GOT ACCEPTED TO VCU! This kick starts so many new and exciting plans for me :) No more longwood, no more good byes.  I finally get to be that sickening couple walking around campus and I will play that role proudly haha (but not too proud of course).  I'm so excited to be living with my besties Heather, Amy, and Lisa and spending a lot of freaking time with Khris! I can not wait to be a part of something...for real.  I never really felt "at home" at Longwood...even on the first weekend there of my freshman year, something just didn't feel right, but I ignored it thinking it was just my nerves getting the best of me, but in fact I ended up not liking it.  I'm glad that I listened to myself and decided to make this decision for me despite other people's opinions of what I should do. I feel my time at Longwood has taught me a lot about love and a lot about who I am as an individual and I can't wait to see what experiences VCU has for me and my future.

I now bleed Black and Gold and I couldn't be happier. <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


5 days. I didn't think things would go this well for this long....sadly enough. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Made It.

1st day of class...
Studying for my first round on finals...and realizing that caffeine is amazing.
Little Miss Grown Up...
Second Semester Load...
Taking silly pics & making crazy videos when stress gets the best of us... 
Studying for second semester finals.

Over the past 8 months I've learned a lot...

1. Khris and I are never meant to be apart.
2. Living with your best friend really makes you tests the strength of your friendship.
3. Skype saves lives.
4. I learned to stand up for myself.
6. I can not keep fish alive.
5. Distance doesn't matter.
6. I can successfully live on my own...kinda.
7. Not everything is going to work out the way you planned.
8. Compromising is a bad thing sometimes.
7. My mom is the strongest woman I know (I already knew this, but this year proved it even more).
8. College isn't all is crapped up to be...
9. Partying on the weekends is really embarrassing...for other people on my floor.
10. Coming home on the weekends actually does change things...but I don't regret doing it.
11. Last but not least, I learned that Longwood wasn't for me. I thought it was but things change.

I can't wait to be a VCU Ram next year...I can't wait to be around a crowd of people that aren't stumbling and throwing up every weekend. I can't wait to live with my besties Amy, Heather, and Lisa! I can't wait to live on my own in my own apartment.  I have so many things to look forward to this coming semester of school and I'm sure there will be hardships, challenges, and obstacles that get in my way but now that I realized what's right for me, I can't wait to face all of that head on with all my friends and my boyfriend right behind me.  Let's just say having a 3 month summer is about the best thing ever right now and I can't wait to start living it up!!

SUMMER 2011, lets have an awesome time. <3

Friday, May 6, 2011