We all have that boy; he's the boy we try to pretend we aren't looking for as we make our way to class. He's the boy that we lie about and claim to not care about anymore. He's the boy that gives you the cliche butterflies, complete with the weakness in the knees. He's the boy we're thinking about as we read this. I think every single girl has this boy, and every single girl will remember him forever- he's not the one for us, but he'll always be somewhere in our hearts.
And boy, I get it now. I'm only allowed to talk to you when she's not around. Oh, and when you ditch me to go flirt with her, I'm not suppose to care. And when you act like an ass cause she's there, just go along with it. And when she decides to break your heart once again, I'm suppose to be there to comfort you. Well listen up -I'm tired of being your second choice and I'm done.
it's useless to show how much you care for that special someone when that person is too busy getting somebody else's attention.
<3 this. and you.